Her specialist techniques include the skilful art of fusing precious metals and granulation.
Born in London, Jeanette trained for 9 years as a Gold and Silversmith in England, Germany and Australia. She is an award-winning designer jeweller whose work can be found in public and private collections worldwide, including the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory Australia. She has won many awards for her work including The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths’ Precious Metals Bursary and The P&O Makower Precious Metals Award.
Her studies in the fine and applied arts began at South Devon Technical College, Torquay in 1987 with a one-year Art Foundation course in the visual and applied arts. The following year she enrolled at the West Surrey College of Art in Farnham, Surrey within the faculty of three-dimensional design, specialising in metalwork and jewellery (student of Prof. Ian Dumelow, Marianne Forrest and Peter Parker). In 1989 she spent one semester of her studies at the Fachhochschule (College of Art and Design) under Prof. Elizabeth Holder in Düsseldorf, Germany. She graduated in 1990 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with honors.
Jeanette continued her studies with a Crafts Council of Great Britain awarded training grant to train with renowned silversmith Richard Fox in London. Here she worked on Richards’s designs for BVLGARI.
In 1992 Jeanette continued her studies in jewellery and silversmithing at the world’s most influential postgraduate art and design school, the Royal College of Art in London (student of Prof. David Watkins, Michael Rowe, Werner Bunck, Prof. Hans Stofer and Onno Boekhoudt). In 1993 she graduated with a Master of Arts degree.
This was followed by a master class/residential course in low relief chasing with one of the UK’s leading silversmiths Rod Kelly at the Bishopsland Educational Trust.
In 1993 Jeanette was awarded a prestigious business grant from the Craft Council to establish her own central London studio at 401½ Workshops in Battersea, London.
In 1996 Jeanette moved to Melbourne, Australia and settled on the edge of the Yarra Valley. Here she completed a 3-year artists residency at Clifton Pugh’s Dunmoochin in Cottles Bridge. In 2011 she moved her workshop to the renowned artists colony of Montsalvat, where she set up her studio and the Jewellery Making School and where she still works today.
Jeanette has been designing and making unique hand made jewellery for over 30 years, selling and exhibiting at leading venues and galleries throughout the world, such as The V&A, Gallery Marzee, eg etal and Studio Ingot. She currently works to commission and supplies leading galleries from her studio at Montsalvat Arts Centre in Melbourne.